有鑑於此,日本眼鏡品牌Padma Image創辦人蓮井明治 — 這位來自香川縣的天才眼鏡藝術家,結合賽璐珞和鈦金屬,策劃了Padma Image 2022限量版項目。以絢麗設計、多樣特別的賽璐珞顏色搭配鈦金屬鏡腿,成品比傳統手工眼鏡更俐落輕巧。不對稱是Padma Image的標誌性設計,新系列備有透明卡其色、透明紫、透明、淺棕色和亮黑色選擇。所有款式均在日本福井鯖江製造,數量有限,讓每一副賽璐珞新作眼鏡更顯珍貴。
Celluloid eyewear is currently only produced in Japan since the production process is very flammable and dangerous, it has been banned from importing to Europe, US and many other countries from the 1960s. Just earlier this year in 2022, there is an accidental explosion happened in one of the eyewear production factories in Japan, causing the death of two employees and shocking the entire Japanese industry. Also as a group of craftsmen are getting older, there is a probability to stop Celluloid eyewear production in the near future, then this very representative, durable, sturdy and shiny first generation plastic eyewear may become history.
In view of this, the head of the Japanese eyewear brand Padma Image, the genius eyewear artist Meiji Hasui from Kagawa Japan, planned a limited-edition project for Padma Image 2022 new styles that combines Celluloid and Titanium, with the brilliant designs and diverse celluloid colors, matching with the Titanium temples, makes it lighter than the traditional hand-made eyewear. Asymmetrical is Padma Image's signature and famous design. The new styles come with transparent khaki, transparent purple, clear transparent, light brown and the shiny black colors. All the styles and colors are made in Sabae, Fukui Japan with a limited quantity, makes every new pair of celluloid eyewear more precious.
各位客人請留意,因手製皮革品每個紋理及顏色均有少許差異,而且每回補貨數量極少,故此恕未能提供退換服務。當你透過Modern Times網上商店購買商品,即代表你同意此安排,謝謝。
Please be aware that each handmade leather product’s grain pattern and color may vary. Also due to our limited order supply, we are unable to provide refunds or replacements. Please note that by shopping at the Modern Times online store means you are agreeing to this arrangement. Thank you.
【送遞時間 Delivery】
Due to limited supply, if the item you ordered is in stock, we will send it out via EMS or registered mail within 3 business days. If the item you ordered is out of stock, we will request a backorder immediately; the process usually takes around 4-6 weeks.
【不設退款或換貨 No Refund, No Return and No Exchange】發貨日期或有更改,由Padma Image及Modern Times作最終決定。不設退款或換貨。
Delivery may change according to final decision of Padma Image and Modern Times. No refund, no return and no exchange.