Standard Life Store
日本手造皮革工房Anchor Bridge
Japanese Handmade Leather Brand Anchor Bridge
Official Authorized Dealer in Hong Kong
Anchor Bridge是東京淺草的皮革工房,與橫濱的Roberu關係密切友好。由村橋由紘 (Murahashi Yoshihiro) 及酒井野枝 (Sakai Noe) 於2012年共同創辦,村橋先生是鞋類工匠,酒井小姐則負責製作其他皮革品如銀包、卡片套等,雖然都是中性設計,但皮革品往往滲入酒井小姐獨特而細緻的巧思,讓Anchor Bridge皮革品於世界舞台上獨樹一幟。從創立開始,Anchor Bridge從美國及歐洲搜尋各歷史悠久的皮革工房所生產的皮革,為製品添加濃厚的歐洲風高級感。活現皮革製品的魅力與特性,以細緻的設計、不斷創新的想法,摸索探求皮革的各種可能。
Anchor Bridge is a leather studio from Asakusa, Tokyo, founded by Mr. Murahashi Yoshihiro (Designer and shoemaker) and Miss Sakai Noe (Leather Goods Designer). They are great friends with Leather Factory Roberu from Yokohama, Japan, and are similarly made up of expert craftsman in the field of leather making. After receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback, they established their own leather goods brand in 2012. Anchor Bridge sources their leathers from Europe, importing exotic and rustic leathers from all over the world, which lends their products a strong European flair. What sets Anchor Bridge apart from its competitors is the way it integrates the original characteristics of leather with its unique take on design. Often blending innovative thinking with new possibilities in leather, the brand replicates the original look of leather and beautifully showcases it on its final products.

香港上環德輔道中306號余氏大廈3/F,電梯按3字 (近西港城電車站)
3/F, Yue's House, 306 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.
Mon To Fri: 1 - 8pm, Sat & Sun: 1 - 6pm
+852 5401 3806 (Tel/Whatsapp)