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Lightning Vol. 362

Lightning Vol. 362


2024 Jun Issue


"気軽にミリタリー" (清爽軍風)





來自各時尚界人物的軍風Snaps也是一大亮點:充滿個性,請作為你的造型參考。除了前幾天在加州開催的粉絲們夢寐以求的古著活動「Inspiration L.A.」外,我們還捕捉了在那裡看到的一些時尚軍事風格,不要錯過!Military Style一般偏向重型,務必參考本月號,享受輕快清爽的春季軍風!


“Feel Free Military Style” 

This month's feature is "Easy Military”. Military items are often associated with the fall/winter season, but there are actually many items that are recommended for spring. This is because military items are originally made to suit the environment in which they will be used. We have a wide lineup ranging from items for cold to warm regions, and from a fashion perspective, we have everything from spring to winter. For example, fatigue jackets and various types of military pants are perfect items for this season. Even chino pants, which have become a fashion staple, are the "military pants" of the army.


In addition, the denim that is called the "Great War model" that is currently a hot topic can be said to be a military specification that was born under the influence of military demand during World War II. Furthermore, many military gear are suitable for outdoor activities such as camping and BBQ, and we introduce a variety of interesting miscellaneous goods and accessories. The outdoor season is just starting!  


Military-style snaps from various fashion industry figures are also a highlight. It's full of individuality, so please use it as a reference for your styling. Along with footage from the fan-coveted vintage event “Inspiration L.A.'' held in California the other day, we also captured some stylish military styles that we saw there, so don't miss out on that! Military style tends to be heavy, but please refer to this month's issue and enjoy a light and refreshing spring military style!


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Lightning Vol. 362

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