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Lightning Vol. 349

Lightning Vol. 349


2023 May Issue


“やっぱアメリカーナ” (熱愛美國文化)

《Lightning》5月刊於3月發行,每年恒例特大号共420頁,標題是「畢竟是美國Americana (やっぱアメリカーナ)」。「Americana」來自拉丁詞「美利堅治世  (Pax Americana)」,原本是超級大國美利堅合眾國一個代表「和平」意思的詞,後來又有了各種含義:包括美國人,美國歷史、傳統、文化和藝術,還有各種美國音樂如鄉村和藍調,即所謂「根音樂 (Roots Music)」。這就是為甚麼「Americana」對於從創刊之初就深耕美國文化的《Lightning》來說意義非凡。


2023年3月我們慶祝29週年,那就是「Americana」。因此,這是一本包羅各種美國內容的書:古著、軍風、藍調、舊結他、古董家具,以及房子研究案例,從在美國舉辦的古董展開始。《Lightning》將向你展示我們熱愛的美國文化,例如當地很受歡迎的雞肉漢堡,以及新車發布後備受關注的復古經典Fairlady Z。


“We Love Americana”

The May issue of Lightning, released in March, is an annual extra-large issue with a total of 420 pages. The title is "We Love Americana”. The word “Americana” comes from the Latin word “Pax Americana”. Originally a word meaning "peace" by the new power of the superpower United States of America, the word "Americana" has come to have various meanings. It refers to the history, traditions, culture, and arts of the United States and the American people, and also refers to a variety of American music, including country and blues, so-called “roots music”. That's why the word "Americana" is so meaningful for Lightning, which has been digging into American culture since its inception.


Now that we are celebrating our 29th anniversary in March 2023, it’s “Americana.” Therefore, it is a book with a lot of content related to America. Vintage clothing, military garments, blues music, vintage guitars, antique furniture, and case study houses, starting with vintage shows held in the United States. We will show you the American culture that we love so much, such as the chicken burger, which is a hot topic locally, and the vintage model of the Fairlady Z, which has been attracting attention since the new model was released.


我們雜誌社分部Modern Times Magazine Dept.嚴格挑選我們喜愛的雜誌跟大家分享,亦會為客人找尋舊期刊,歡迎查詢。


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Lightning Vol. 349

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