Casa Brutus Vol. 272
2022 Dec Issue
“Studio Ghibli
スタジオジブリの建築・デザイン” (吉卜力工作室的建築與設計)
表現吉卜力工作室世界的公園 (吉卜力公園) 終於開幕了!深受全世界喜愛的動畫工作室,最新作品是一個三維結構的實體世界,讓你可以在蘊藏吉卜力傑作的國度中遊走,發現新的秘密。體驗吉卜力魅力的建築空間是如何打造出來的?請在本誌中尋找!
“Studio Ghibli
Architecture and design”
The park (Ghibli Park) that expresses the world of Studio Ghibli is finally open! The latest work by the animation studio loved by the world is a world of three-dimensional structure, where you can discover new secrets while walking through the world of masterpieces. How was the architectural space where you can experience the world of Studio Ghibli's works created? Check out the latest issue!
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Casa Brutus Vol. 272
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