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Brutus Vol. 957

Brutus Vol. 957 


2022 15th Mar Issue


“#全世代に捧げる  (#獻給所有世代)


本期是「全国民的歌謡曲」特集。鄧麗君、沢田研二、松田聖子、The Checkers… 不僅獻予久違的你,同時亦介紹給不知道昭和時代如何熾熱的新一代。從Sakanaction山口一郎「中森明菜論」、「明星西城秀樹」的「新昭和」象徵,到米津玄師和Yoasobi等繼承歌謡曲DNA而來的「令和歌謡」;還有別冊「いま、聴きたい Brutus Song Book (現在想聽的Brutus Song Book)」— 歌謡曲永恆不朽。


“#Songs Dedicated to All Generations

Kayokyoku (Shōwa-era J-Pop) Special Feature”

This issue is "Special Feature on ‘Kayokyoku’ (Shōwa-era J-Pop) dedicated to everyone”. Teresa Teng, Julie (Kenji Sawada), Seiko Matsuda, The Checkers... Not only for people who haven't seen them for a long time, but also generations who didn't know the time when everyone’s so enthusiastic about the Shōwa era. From "Akina Theory” by Ichiro Yamaguchi (Sakanaction), “Hideki Saijo, A Star”, to “Reiwa Songs” by Kenshi Yonezu and Yoasobi that inherited the Kayokyoku DNA. There is also a separate booklet “Brutus Song Book I Want to Listen Now" — Kayokyoku is forever and immortal.


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Brutus Vol. 957

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