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UOMO Vol. 197

UOMO Vol. 197


2021 Nov Issue



アメカジが楽しい!” (美式休閒很有趣!)

時尚特集是「美式休閒很有趣! 」。今年秋天,要注意西裝外套、斜布褲、海軍軍褸和格子襯衫等單品。然而,它與過去的美式休閒不同 — 以「健康及別緻」為關鍵詞,我們將呈現一種全新的美式風格。以羽絨服為主題的「文化系羽絨服最前線」,介紹今年冬天以合身為大前提推出的最新作品。此外,作為自行車主要研究者的「We, Tokyo ジテンシャーズ」也不容錯過。封面人物是首次亮相的桐谷健太。


"American Casual Is Fun!"

The special feature is "Around the world, American casual is fun!”. This fall, pay attention to items such as blazer, chinos, pea coat and check shirt. However, it is not the same as the American casual of last year, with the keyword "healthy & chic", we will deliver a style that has been updated to the current mood. "Forefront of Cultural Down Jackets", which focuses on down jackets, introduces new works this winter with realistic fitting. In addition, don’t miss the popular feature about bicycles, ”We, Tokyo Jitenshires”. The cover face is Kenta Kiritani, his first time appearance for UOMO.


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UOMO Vol. 197

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