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Popeye Vol. 890

Popeye Vol. 890


2021 Jun Issue


“Enjoy Cooking

腹が減ったら、料理をしよう" (享受烹飪)

我喜歡吃,但對烹飪沒有希望。話雖如此,我仍是有所要求:點一瓶葡萄酒,然後在附近一家很酷的全新餐廳隨便找個地方。但每次這樣做時,都覺得有點尷尬,因為我這輩子從沒有弄過任何東西,甚至連在鍋裡煮通心粉這樣簡單的食物都沒有。所以,在這個即將到來的夏天,我下定決心要嘗試烹飪,並擁有我專長的菜式。一些非常基本的食譜,比如在麵包片之間放些蔬菜 — 從簡單開始是我的座右銘。


“Enjoy Cooking”

I love eating, but I’m hopeless at cooking. Having said that, I have the common decency to order a bottle of wine and be casual in somewhere like a cool, brand-new restaurant in my neighborhood. But every time I do, I somehow feel a little awkward as I’ve never cooked anything in my life, not even a simple thing like boiling macaroni in a pot. So, this coming summer, I’m determined to have a go at cooking and have something that I can say is my specialty. Something very basic, like putting some vegetables between slices of bread. Starting small is my motto.


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Popeye Vol. 890

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