2nd Vol. 197
2023 Aug Issue
"New Preppy Handbook
プレッピーとは一体なんなのか?" (甚麼是Preppy?)
Ivy時尚在20世紀60年代風靡日本。大約10年後,Preppy作為Ivy的派生系誕生了。然而,即使Preppy也是多種多樣的,無論是時尚還是思想,思維方式都因人而異。那麼這次的Preppy到底是甚麼?編輯部遠赴美國尋找答案。我們採訪了Rowing Blazers設計師Jack Carlson和其他六位Preppy界達人,談論他們對Preppy Style的看法。此外,還包括到Preppy常去的商店如緬因州Freeport的L. L. Bean旗艦店朝聖、手工縫製Moccasin製造商Rancourt和Quoddy的報導等只有到美國才能實現的豐富內容。
"New Preppy Handbook"
"Ivy fashion" was popular in Japan in the 1960s. About 10 years later, the preppy style was born as a derivative of Ivy. However, even preppy style is various, and whether it is fashion or mindset, the way of thinking differs depending on the person. So what exactly is preppy this time? The editorial department went to America to find the answer. We interviewed Jack Carlson, the designer of Rowing Blazers and six other preppy icons to talk about what they think of preppy. Also introducing shops like L.L.Bean Flagship Store (Freeport, Maine) that are preppy’s go-to, and coverage of hand-stitched moccasin shoe makers Rancourt and Quoddy.
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2nd Vol. 197
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