2nd Magazine Vol. 178
2022 Jan Issue
“Great Classic Outdoors
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《2nd》Magazine一直是我們很喜歡的雜誌,「The reference book for clothes enthusiast」已解釋了他們「特刊向」的編集方針。有別於《Lightning》等硬派美式文化誌,《2nd》混合了時代感,但介紹起美國品牌時卻又展現出深厚的知識基礎,誠然是極具收藏價值的。每隔一段時間,就會有重量級特刊出現,如之前熱賣的「We Love Alden Special Issue」及「Filson & L. L. Bean」兩本重量級特刊正是最佳例子。
兼具機能性與時尚的重型戶外風格季節已經到來。現在,我們感興趣的不僅是高性能,還有亮眼色彩、天然素材的溫暖...。本期主要介紹羽絨服、山系大衣等經典定番Items,還有編輯部嚴選四大戶外品牌的注目商品。從新品到古著,這裡匯集你心儀的所有單品:2022年,我們重新愛上Heavy Duty!
“Great Classic Outdoors”
The season of heavy-duty outdoor style, which has both functionality and fashionability, has arrived. But now, what we are interested in is not only high functionality, but also vivid coloring, and the warmth of natural materials… This time, we will mainly introduce classic items such as down jackets and mountain parkas. The editorial department also highlighted products of the four major outdoor brands. From the latest to vintage, this is a collection of items you care about: We love heavy duty again in 2022!
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2nd Vol. 178
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