期間限定免費刻印服務 2018
各位正在為選擇情人節禮物而苦惱?Modern Times今年再度與日本手造皮革工房Roberu及銀座鋼品工房Claustrum特別為大家安排獨家免費刻印服務,讓喜歡溫暖皮革或型格鋼材的摯愛都能獲得獨一無二的心意。Leather Factory Roberu創辦人岩元慎治 (Shinji Iwamoto) 先生將在日本橫濱的工房裡,為各位訂購的iPhone Case精心加上一個一個免費刻印,令本身每個不同的手造皮革iPhone Case顯得獨特,成為罕見而極具心思的禮物。銀座鋼品工房Claustrum創辦人及設計師遠藤健史 (Takeshi Endo) 先生亦會在他原創的帥氣iPhone Holder加上個人刻名服務,令每個製品都變成世界唯一、極具紀念價值的禮物。訂購詳情如下:
刻印字元:最多8個 (包括空位)
刻印位置:Roberu New iPhone Case: Roberu標誌上方; 其他Roberu iPhone Case: Roberu標誌下方
Claustrum iPhone Holder + Stand
刻印字元:最多8個 (包括空位)
刻印位置:Claustrum iPhone Holder + Stand Flap內
免費刻印服務只適用於Modern Times訂購的全新Roberu iPhone Case/Claustrum iPhone Holder + Stand。Roberu迷彩Camouflage及Nubuck Leather iPhone Case除外。
電話 / WhatsApp / WeChat / Line訂購-轉帳 / Payme付款
+852 5401 3806 (電話 / WhatsApp / WeChat / Line) / info@moderntimes.hk
Customise your love with the free stamp service by the handmade Japanese brand Leather Factory Roberu and Claustrum. Details are as follows:
Order period: Now Until 23 Jan 2018
Estimate Delivery & Order Arrival Date: 8 Feb 2018
You will receive a notification email when your item arrives.
Stamping Characters: Maximum 8 (Including space)
Available Characters: A-Z uppercase, a-z lowercase
Stamping Position: Roberu New iPhone Case: Above Roberu logo; Other Roberu iPhone Case: Below Roberu logo
Claustrum iPhone Holder + Stand
Stamping Characters: Maximum 8 (Including space)
Available Characters: A-Z uppercase
Stamping Position: Inside Claustrum iPhone holder + stand flap
Special Note:
After a payment order has been accepted, cancellation or amendment of the order is not effective. The stamp position, fonts and spacing remain within Leather Factory Roberu/Claustrum’s sole discretion and their decision shall be final.
You could only enjoy the free stamp service for the brand new Roberu iPhone case/Clasutrum iPhone holder + stand purchased through Modern Times (Roberu Camouflage and Nubuck Leather iPhone cases not included).
Order in store, online or by phone / WhatsApp / WeChat / Line, bank transfer or Payme
+852 5401 3806 (Phone / WhatsApp / WeChat / Line) / info@moderntimes.hk

由iPhone 3G開始,Roberu便開始製作iPhone專用保護套至今,利用皮革及彈性布料結合,人手製作帶來極具人味的暖和感覺,卻同時能保存極高保護性,最重要是皮革在每天使用,呼應使用者的生活習慣會產生紋理及顏色的變化,變得極具個性,與坊間常見的硬體保護套截然不同,故很多顧客都是因為這個焦點產品而開始愛上Roberu的。來到iPhone X,不需移除皮革套,亦可輕鬆使用iPhone各種功能-拍照、Face ID及無線叉電等等。
Ever since the release of the iPhone 3G, Roberu has created personalized iPhone cases. Combining supple leather with flexible canvas material, each handmade piece features a one-of-a-kind story, while at the same time retaining the ability to protect the user’s iPhone. Moreover, as the leather gets used in our daily lives, it takes on changes in terms of color and texture, making it highly personalized. Roberu new iPhone X Case. Ability to adjust the volume, shooting photo and wireless charging can all be done without removing the leather sleeve casing.

以全人手製作高質皮革用品享負盛名的皮革工房,發源於日本橫濱的Roberu,由設計師岩元慎治 (Shinji Iwamoto) 於2007年創立。一直堅持全部製品均以全人手製作,使用天然染色皮革,每件製品亦貫注了工匠的靈魂,擁有極高的質量,是近年極具代表性的日本手造皮革配件品牌。包括巴黎Colette等各地有名商店爭相引入,短短數年間已得到世界時尚舞台的注目。曾與Lexus、Sony等國際品牌合作推出特別版產品包括皮袋及相機帶,亦於新宿伊勢丹開設期間限定店。
Founded in 2007 by designer Shinji Iwamoto, Roberu got its start in Yokohama, Japan, and has now grown to become a leather factory well known for it's high quality leather products. Keeping up with traditions of fine craftsmanship, all Roberu leather goods are handmade and naturally dyed, making each piece truly unique and carrying with it the heart and soul of its maker. The brand has been called one of the most promising Japanese leather brands in recent years, and is sold out of Colette Paris, France among other fine retailers. In it's brief existence, Roberu has already captured the attention of the international stage, with collaboration and partnerships with well-known brands such as Lexus and Sony. Most recently they have opened a pop up outlet in Isetan Shinjuku, Japan.

Claustrum專注研究開發既簡單又具開創性的功能性產品,其中包括iPhone專用保護套,深受喜愛冷峻格調的時尚人士歡迎。專為iPhone設計,以高強度不銹鋼製成。背後Flap設計可作手指Grip或Two Way Stand之用。備有Hair Line、Straight Vibration Finish、Blackening、Concrete Matte及Black Matte各款Steel Finishing選擇。日本全手工精製。
Known for products that blend both creativity and functionality — 'Groundbreaking Design’ — like their card case that can be accessed with one hand, Claustrum is truly in a class of its own. This differs greatly from what you would get from other brands, and is perhaps the reason why Claustrum products have been so well received since their inception. The Claustrum iPhone holder + stand is made of high strength stainless steel. Flap can be used as two-way stand or grip. Steel finishing includes hair line, straight vibration, blackening, concrete matte and black matte. Handmade in Japan.

Claustrum是東京銀座Steel Inc.旗下的品牌,專注研究開發既簡單又具開創性的功能性產品。Steel Inc.現址在戰後是一家玻璃工房,現在由第三代遠藤健史 (Takeshi Endo) 創立了Steel Inc.,所有產品均在這家位於銀座的工房製作。Claustrum所有產品都帶有獨特嶄新的功能,只此一家,例如單手就能輕鬆操作的各樣商品如Card Case等。研發每件產品時,遠藤先生都在銀座工房進行長時間反覆實驗,直至構思到最簡單而可行的生產方式。故此,Claustrum的力學原理、構造方式及材質面料加工等都是獨一無二的。曾與伊勢丹、Beams、Off-White、ACRONYM®等注目時尚單位合作;此外,Claustrum每年均飛往歐美各地及時裝周舉行展示會。
Claustrum is a brand under Tokyo Ginza based Steel Inc. committed towards making products that are both simple and innovative. The physical address of Steel Inc. is located in a post-war glass blowing studio, founded by third generation owner Takeshi Endo. All products crafted under the brand are made in the studio right in the heart of Ginza. During the product development phase, Mr. Endo spends a lot of time in his Ginza studio experimenting to find the most efficient manner of production. This is reason why Claustrum’s mechanical process, structural planning, and material selection are largely unique. Claustrum has collaborated with well-known brands such as Isetan, Beams, Off-White and ACRONYM®. Every year Claustrum will fly to Europe to present their exhibition in fashion weeks. Last year, they also held a trunk show in Liberty Fairs in New York to let the world know this unique brand from Ginza Japan.