Socks Made In Japan With Traditional Machine
Modern Times成立以來,一直為大家搜尋各樣高質素的生活配件。我們第一次引進的名古屋襪子品牌Decka,以日本國內現存極少數的56針織布機製作,選用美國引入優質棉紗,Decka 56N Socks厚重扎實,極具質感,配襯Stan Smith球鞋、Teva運動型涼鞋,或L. L. Bean、Danner等重型靴子效果都不俗。另外Standard Rib Socks則可配襯皮鞋或Converse等,不論上班或休閒日都適用,是很好的生活配件。2021年,Modern Times正式成為Decka香港代理。
Ever since Modern Times opened its doors, we have continued to look for high quality lifestyle accessories to present to our customers. Our first sock brand Decka from Nagoya Japan, is one of the very few Japanese brands to use traditional 56-stitch sewing machine for sock making. Using high quality cotton imported from the United States, the Decka 56N sock is made of quality and durability. It looks perfect with a pair of casual shoes like the Stan Smith, or sporty sandals from TEVA, or even with more heavy-duty boots and footwear from L. L. Bean or Danner. While the standard rib sock goes perfect with a pair of leather shoes or Converse. No matter if you are looking for something for work or weekend, this is the perfect accessory for any occasion. In 2021, Modern Times has become the official authorized dealer of Decka quality socks in Hong Kong.