Them Magazine No. 046
2023 June Summer Fashion Issue
“Go to Korea”
BoA、《藍色生死戀2冬日戀歌》、少女時代、Kara、BTS、Black Pink、New Jeans,韓國文化激發了社會現象並促進了經濟增長。日本一直受到韓國文化各個方面的影響,從戲劇、偶像、美食和美容。這是因為在韓國,年輕人是重中之重,他們充滿活力去創造新事物並樂在其中。讓我們前往亞洲最具活力的城市 — 首爾。
出演Netflix作品《20世紀少女》的前模特演員邊佑錫的時尚故事,除了以韓國獨立樂隊Hyogo / HYUKOH主唱吳赫為模特拍攝外,我們採訪了將在今年Fuji Rock Festival上表演的Omega Sapien、在Coachella音樂節上展現精彩表演的Yeji,以及Kusikohc的設計師兼攝影師Cho Ki-seok。
“Go to Korea”
BoA, "Winter Sonata", Girls' Generation, Kara, BTS, Black Pink, New Jeans. Korean culture has sparked social phenomena and encouraged economic growth. Japan has always been influenced by all aspects of Korean culture, from dramas, idols to food and beauty. This is because in South Korea, young people are at the top of the list, and they are full of energy to create new things and enjoy them. Head to Seoul — Asia's most vibrant city.
The fashion story of actor Byun Wooseok, a former model who appeared in the Netflix work "20th Century Girl”; shooting with Korean indie band Hyogo / HYUKOH vocalist Oh Hyuk as a model; we also interviewed Omega Sapien, who will perform at this year's Fuji Rock Festival; and Yeji, who showed a spectacular performance at Coachella and Cho Ki-seok, the designer and photographer of Kusikohc.
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