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Popeye Vol. 884

Popeye Magazine Vol. 884


2020 Dec Issue


“誰かと話したくなる映画” (想與別人交流的電影)

最近,一位不特別喜歡電影的朋友問我:「你看過《天能》(2020) 嗎?」這是電影最好的地方,它讓我們想談論它並與人分享。例如《弊傢伙... 玩大咗》(2007) 太傻了,不能忘記;《柏德遜》(2016) 則非常有趣,儘管故事中沒有發生任何太戲劇性的事情。與某人分享我們的感受,無論他們有多喜歡或了解電影,簡直就是一種極大的樂趣。列出我們心中最好的10部電影可能容易,挑選最愛則有一定難度。所以,這次我們就「心水電影名單」採訪了很多人。如果選擇困難,從史提芬・史匹堡開始總是對的。最後,如果你考慮製作電影,請閱讀頁78,一定會對你有所幫助。


“Movies That Spark Conversations”

Recently, one of my friends, who is not particularly a movie fan, asked me, “Did you watch Tenet (2020)?” That’s the best thing about movies, they make us want to talk about them and share with others. Superbad (2007), for example, is too silly to forget; and Paterson (2016), is remarkably interesting despite the fact that nothing dramatic happens in the story. Sharing our feelings with somebody, regardless of how much they like or they know about films, is simply a great fun. It may be easier to make a list of our best 10 titles instead it may be difficult to name our single best movie. So, for this time, we interviewed various people about their exclusive lists. If you struggle with finding a topic, choosing Spielberg always works. Finally, in case you start thinking about making your own film, please read page 78, it will certainly help you.


我們雜誌社分部Modern Times Magazine Dept.嚴格挑選我們喜愛的雜誌跟大家分享,亦會為客人找尋舊期刊,歡迎查詢。


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Popeye Vol. 884

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