Pen Plus No.17
2021 Sept Issue
世界上最著名的間諜James Bond身穿品牌西裝,冷靜執行使命。他迷倒美麗的女人,在Aston Martin裡衝刺,與惡棍進行致命戰鬥,品嚐Shaken (Not Stirred) Martini。自1962年辛康納利 (Sean Connery) 出演《鐵金剛勇破神秘島》(Dr. No) 以來,已有六位演員繼承了James Bond;今年,Daniel Craig最後一部鐵金鋼作品《生死有時》(No Time to Die) 終於上映。除了最新作品,本期將涵蓋所有007系列的電影百科:包括音樂、時尚及原創作品。
“007 Complete Guide Book”
James Bond, the world's most famous spy, dressed in a brand suit and completes his mission calmly. He attracts beautiful women, sprints in a bond car, fights a deadly battle with a villain, and likes a shaken martini. Six actors have inherited it since Sean Connery played in Dr. No in 1962. This year, the latest work No Time to Die, in which Daniel Craig plays Bond, is finally released. In addition to the latest work, comprehensive features of the 007 series that cover past work guides, music, fashion and the original works are included.
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Pen+ 007 Complete Guide Book
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