Lightning Vol. 361
2024 May Issue
創刊30年特大号!!" (熱愛美國 30週年紀念特刊)
《Lightning》於1994年創刊,2024年3月將慶祝誕生30週年。所喬治 (George Tokoro) 以他熱愛的美國文化開始,多年來通過不同出版商得以繼承和完善。創刊以來,我們一直介紹關於美國文化的各種內容,包括汽車、電單車、內裝和愛好,特別關注時尚類別。我們感到自豪的是,目前日本的Denim文化和價值觀,如「茶芯」皮衣等在《Lightning》歷史中得以傳承,並已然成為世界性運動。
今期編集人員重溫《Lightning》過往特集,談論五個主要類別:Denim、Military、皮革、汽車 / 電單車和美國食物;各業界人士亦回顧過去30年的文章,令人懷念!當然還有不可或缺的常規連載和最新產品情報!為紀念創刊30週年,《Lightning》「Brighty Thirty」正式開催,直至今年12月。本期特大号作為開篇,請大家仔細閱讀。
“Brighty Thirty”
Lightning, which was first published in 1994, will celebrate its 30th anniversary in March 2024. George Tokoro started out with content featuring his favorite American culture, but that intention has been inherited and refined through changing publishers. Since we started working, we have been handling a variety of content based on American culture, including cars, motorcycles, interiors and hobbies, with a particular focus on the fashion category. We are proud that the current domestic denim culture and values such as the "Teacore" of leather jackets were transmitted in the history of Lightning, and have become global movements.
Rather than always following trends, I would like to stay a little ahead of my readers and share my favorite things and things with them. That's what Lightning is.
Looking back on the past 30 years of such dirty media, we will continue to do what we do! This is a special memorial issue expressing our determination.
There is a corner where editorial staff look back on past issues of the magazine and talk about the five major categories: denim, military, leather, cars/motorcycles and American food. If you read this article looking back at the past, you will feel nostalgic. Of course, it's also full of regular serials and information on the latest products! This year, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the publication, we will be holding a campaign until December under the title "Brighty Thirty”. This extra-large issue is the start, so please pick it up and read it carefully.
30 years! Thank you for your continuous support!
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Lightning Vol. 361
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