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Lightning Vol. 359

Lightning Vol. 359


2024 Mar Issue


"Gジャン" (G Jacket)

本月特集「G Jacket」是每個美式休閒迷都應該擁有至少一件的經典單品。沿自美國Workwear,在20世紀50年代作為時尚單品在年輕人中流行。現在很難相信,但一開始人們似乎對Denim在美國流行的想法反應冷淡,並且認為「牛仔服 = 不良者時尚」。隨著它變得越來越流行,G Jacket與牛仔褲一起成為一種常見時尚,並普及成為美國的日常穿著。受日本美式休閒風潮推動,它現已成為世界各地人們不可或缺的一部分。G Jacket復古單品吸引了全世界的注意。它甚至開始成為投資對象,市場價格不斷上漲。


今期掲載許多復古單品,以及流行品牌的新品和G Jacket定番作。正因為它如此經典,我們特別介紹冬季混搭術,從各個角度介紹如何配搭 — 春、秋季當外層穿,冬天則建議作為Inner。我們還介紹它跟各種圖案與顏色的組合方式,希望讀者們也覺得非常受用!


“G Jacket

Denim Jackets” 

This month's special feature is the “G Jacket'', a classic item that every American casual fan should own at least one item. Originally born in America as workwear, it became popular as a fashion item among young people in the 1950s. It's hard to believe now, but in the beginning, people seemed to have a cold reaction to the idea that denim fabric could be fashionable in the United States, and there was a trend that “Denim Wear = Something Worn by Delinquents’’. As it became more popular, the G Jacket became a common fashion along with jeans, and became a staple of American daily wear. Sparked by the American casual boom in Japan, it has now become indispensable to people all over the world. G Jacket's vintage items are attracting a lot of attention all over the world. It has even begun to become a target for investment, and its market price is continuing to rise.


This month's issue introduces many vintage items, as well as new releases from popular brands and classic G Jackets. Above all, because it is such a classic item, we feature ways to mix and match it in winter, and introduce how to style it from various angles. In fact, it can be worn as an outer layer in spring and autumn, but it is recommended to wear it as an inner layer in winter. We also introduce various patterns on how to combine colors on the top and bottom when it comes to denim setups, so we think you'll find them quite useful!


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Lightning Vol. 359

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