Lightning Vol. 352
2023 Aug Issue
"気分のアガるアメリカンポップアート" (令人振奮的American Pop Art)
Pop Art於20世紀50年代誕生於英國,20世紀60年代在美國流行。Andy Warhol、Roy Lichtenstein及Peter Max等藝術家的作品如今風靡全球,但他們的魅力在於流行的設計和色彩運用。著名藝術家的作品以海報、雜貨,並以服裝為中心的時尚商品等多種形式為我們所熟知。
由這樣的美國Pop Art角度出發,從古典藝術到現代感性藝術,編集部把吸引我們的東西都收納在本月卷頭特集「American Pop Art」中。不僅是藝術家,還有那些對Pop Art感興趣的人,從20世紀60年代以來就存在的與Pop Art相關的古著、Figures等雜貨,還有最新Pop Art趨勢。請即拜讀,你會從此愛上Amercian Pop Art!
"American Pop Art"
Pop art, which was born in England in the 1950s, became popular in the United States in the 1960s. Works by various artists such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Peter Max are now popular all over the world, but their appeal lies in their pop design and color usage. The works of famous artists have become familiar to us in various forms such as posters, miscellaneous goods, and fashion goods focused on clothing.
From the perspective of such American pop art, from the classic art to the art of the modern sensibility, our editorial department has packed the things that are attractive to us in this month's issue's opening feature, "Funny American Pop Art”. Not only artists but also people who are attracted to pop art, vintage used clothes related to pop art that have existed since the 1960s, miscellaneous goods such as figures etc. Read now and become more fond of American pop art!
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Lightning Vol. 352
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