Lightning Vol. 348
2023 Apr Issue
“俺たちの“懐かしい”は、もはやヴィンテージ” (我們的「懷舊」不再是復古)
這就是為甚麼本月特集不僅涉及時尚,還包括汽車、玩具、遊戲和糖果。每次翻頁都讓人懷舊。對於年輕一代,我認為他們也會喜歡 — 這當下備受注目的「復古」時尚。
“That Takes Me Back”
The opening feature of this issue is titled "Our 'nostalgic' is no longer vintage." We will focus on "things that make you feel nostalgic", even things from the early 2000s that have a strong “sense of being”. Do you know what happened to the sweets you ate as a child, the car you used to drive in your youth, and the old clothes you bought casually when you were a student?
In fact, things from that time are gaining popularity as excellent vintage items in the current market. In some cases, it is often traded at a fairly high price. It's not just that things from that time are prized as vintage. Nowadays, it is often reprinted. Reprinted models in the fashion scene have become commonplace, but now it can be said that there is a considerable reprint boom for sweets and games. Things that we used to buy and enjoy have become valuable items for today's younger generation.
That's why this month's issue is not only about fashion, but also cars, toys, games and sweets. You will feel nostalgic every time you turn the page. And for the younger generation, I think they will enjoy it as a vintage special feature that is currently attracting attention.
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Lightning Vol. 348
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