Casa Brutus Vol. 285
2024 Jan Issue
“新しい北欧家具” (新北歐家具)
北歐家具可能是日本最人氣的室內風格。Hans J. Wegner和Alvar Aalto名作經得起時間考驗。另一方面,最近北歐勢頭強勁的設計活動「3daysofdesign」以丹麥首都哥本哈根為中心,新品牌、畫廊和媒體不斷湧現,圍繞著「新北歐家具」的全新面貌正在出現。因此,我們採訪了哥本哈根和北歐其他城市的Key Person,為你帶來北歐家具的最新資訊 — 當今設計中的必修課。
“New Nordic”
Scandinavian furniture may be the most popular interior style in Japan. Masterpieces by Hans J. Wegner and Alvar Aalto have stood the test of time. On the other hand, recently the event “3daysofdesign”, which gathers the latest in Scandinavian design, has been gaining momentum mainly in Denmark's capital Copenhagen, new brands, galleries and media are appearing, a scene surrounding "new Scandinavian furniture" that renews the traditional image is emerging. Therefore, we interviewed key people in Copenhagen and other cities in Northern Europe. We will bring you the latest information on Scandinavian furniture, which can be said to be a compulsory subject in today’s design.
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Casa Brutus Vol. 285
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