Casa Brutus Vol. 280
2023 Aug Issue
"【新】日本の絶景宿" (【新】日本絕景酒店)
日本作為旅遊目的地深受喜愛的原因之一是其美麗的風景。日本擁有大海、山脈、森林和溪流等豐富的自然資源,並擁有得天獨厚的季節性植物。近年,為了與美麗風景共存而建造的風景優美旅館越來越多。可以欣賞建築師設計景觀、租下整棟樓的、獨享眼前風光的、傳達鄉土風景味道的旅館… 這個夏天,去風景絕佳的日式旅館,充分享受只有那裡才有的大自然吧!
"Lifestyle Hotel 2023"
One of the reasons Japan is loved as a travel destination is because of its beautiful scenery. Japan is blessed with abundant nature, such as the sea, mountains, forests, and mountain streams, and you can admire the plants of each season. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of inns with superb views built to coexist with such beautiful scenery. A hotel where you can enjoy the view designed by that architect, an inn where you can rent a whole building where you can have the scenery in front of you to yourself, an auberge that conveys the taste of the local scenery... This summer, go to a Japanese inn with a superb view where you can fully enjoy the great nature that can only be found there!
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Casa Brutus Vol. 280
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