Casa Brutus Vol. 241
2020 Apr Issue
“2020年 京都の旅”
在造訪位於京都岡崎公園腹地內的京瓷美術館之後,相信很多人都會想要到附近走走?以岡崎公園為中心往西的御所南,近年因為增加古董雜貨、居家小物以及餐廳等全新店家而受到注目,本期便要為大家介紹御所南地區的人氣店。還有有許多話題設施陸續開幕 (包括由隈研吾監修改裝的新風館 — 日本首家Ace Hotel座落之地) 的全新京都,本誌特別要帶大家一起尋找它的魅力。
“2020: A Kyoto Odyssey”
Discover new attractions in Kyoto! Popular facilities are opening one after another in Kyoto in the spring of 2020. The oldest existing public museum architecture was reborn as "Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art” by Jun Aoki, and many handicraft shops and restaurants of interest were born in the surrounding Okazaki area. In addition, ShinPuhKan, which will be the first landing site in Japan for Ace Hotel, has been renewed under the supervision of Kengo Kuma's design. This year, we have collected all the spots that you cannot miss if you visit Kyoto. In 2020, to the new Kyoto.
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Casa Brutus Vol. 241
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