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Casa Brutus Vol. 228

Casa Brutus Vol. 228


2019 Mar Issue


“ル‧コルビュジエと世界遺産” (Le Corbusier和世界遺產)

Le Corbusier,一位因2016年被登記成為世界遺產而受到更多關注的建築大師。2月19日,為紀念博物館開館60週年,「Le Corbusier:從繪畫到建築時代」將在世界遺產東京國立西洋美術館舉辦,這是Le Corbusier在日本唯一的建築作品。因此,事隔12年,《Casa Brutus》首次製作Le Corbusier專輯,並附有安藤忠雄、隈研吾和伊東豐雄等日本著名建築師講解,與及Takashi Homma的攝影介紹。此外還有關於Le Corbusier的基礎知識入門,包括他的繪畫、印度昌迪加爾家具和肖像作品等。如果你讀過本期,你會更加喜歡Le Corbusier。


“The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier”

Le Corbusier, a master architect who received more attention because it was registered as a World Heritage in 2016. 19th February 2019, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the museum, "Le Corbusier and the Age of Purism," will be held at the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), which is Le Corbusier’s only architectural work in Japan. Therefore, Le Corbusier's special feature on Casa Brutus for the first time in 12 years introduces world heritage architecture with explanations of leading Japanese architects such as Tadao Ando, ​​Kengo Kuma, Toyo Ito, and photographs of Takashi Homma. In addition, we will approach the basic knowledge of Le Corbusier, including paintings, furniture of Chandigarh and portrait. If you read this issue, you will love Le Corbusier more.


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Casa Brutus Vol. 228

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