2nd Vol. 200
2023 Dec Issue
紺ブレを語ろう" (200期Ametora紀念特集)
為了紀念第200期,我們收集了目前在日本可以買到的大部分海軍藍外套,由熟悉《2nd》的業界專家主持品評會。我們亦進行了一次「Trad Snap時間旅行」,邀請十多年前在雜誌登場的人們回顧自己的Snap,並展示他們當前的造型風格。此外,「American Traditional Brand List 品牌圖鑑」介紹American Trad不可忽視的品牌,還有擅長使用海軍藍外套的造型專家 —「造型專業人士認為的2023 Blazer Style」,Ametora粉絲必讀。
“American Traditional Issue 2023 A/W”
To commemorate the 200th issue, we collected most of the navy blue blazer currently available for purchase in Japan, and held a fair held by industry experts who are familiar with 2nd. We also conducted a “Trad Snap Time Travel’’. We asked people who have appeared in the magazine's snaps for over 10 years to review their own snaps and show us their current styles. In addition, there is the “American Traditional Brand List” which introduces brands that cannot be ignored when talking about American traditional, and stylists show off coordination using navy blue blazer — “Blazer Style in 2023 as thought by styling professionals” is a must read for Ametora fans.
我們雜誌社分部Modern Times Magazine Dept.嚴格挑選我們喜愛的雜誌跟大家分享,亦會為客人找尋舊期刊,歡迎查詢。
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2nd Vol. 200
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