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2nd - Vol. 137 Aug 2018

2nd Magazine Vol. 137


2018 Aug Issue


“やっぱりオールデンが好きなんだ” (畢竟我喜歡Alden)

《2nd》Magazine一直是我們很喜歡的雜誌,「The reference book for clothes enthusiast」已解釋了他們「特刊向」的編集方針。有別於《Lightning》等硬派美式文化誌,《2nd》混合了時代感,但介紹起美國品牌時卻又展現出深厚的知識基礎,誠然是極具收藏價值的。每隔一段時間,就會有重量級特刊出現。今回,「We Love Alden Special Issue」正是一例,九十頁大特集絕對不容錯過。


本期「第一特集」是Alden。我們將剖析它的魅力,是「American Trad」(美式長春藤風格) 不可缺少的單品。從Alden歷史,以至很多教材級專題:剖析最後和製造方法、傑作型號介紹等。我們將介紹Alden日本唯一進口代理店 — 東京南青山的The Lakota House、如何拋光Cordovan,以及許多Alden忠粉的特別定制。此外,還會披露業界人士的Alden精選愛藏:來自《2nd》獨有的人脈關係Line Up,表達他們對Alden的愛。除了由六位「Trad」關鍵人物主持的指導專題「請告訴我們一家適合你的Trad商店」外,亦會介紹初夏美式傳統輕便服飾。喜歡「Trad」和Alden的朋友不能錯過。


“We Love Alden Special Issue”

“The First Feature” of this issue is Alden. We will dissect its charm that can not be lost to “American Trad” style. From the history of Alden, pages that can be used like textbooks such as explanations of the last and manufacturing methods, to the introduction of masterpiece models. We will also show you the Lakota House in Tokyo Aoyama, which is the sole import agency in Japan, a course on how to polish cordovan, and maniacs’ bespoke orders. In addition, we will deliver the Alden collection of fashion insiders, which is the exclusive line-up of 2nd, talk about their Alden love. Apart from the feature by the six key persons related to “Trad”, “Please tell us about a ‘Trad’ store for you”, we will also introduce the American lifestyle light clothing for early summer. A bible for “Trad" as well as Alden fans.


我們雜誌社分部Modern Times Magazine Dept.嚴格挑選我們喜愛的雜誌跟大家分享,亦會為客人找尋舊期刊,歡迎查詢。


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2nd - Vol. 137 Aug 2018

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