為紀念Modern Times成立五周年,我們與東京銀座的精鋼生活配件工房Clasutrum合作舉行期間限定展「Faster Than Light」,展出從未曝光的Claustrum機密資料,包括製作工具、遠藤老師在構思期間製作的模型,以及從未正式投產的實驗商品等,置身展覽中就好像深入不對外開放的Claustrum銀座工房一樣。
展覽的另一焦點就是會場限定發售的Claustrum為Modern Times製作的「ARTEFACT」版本 iPhone Holder「FLAP MT」。「ARTEFACT」是Claustrum專門為友好單位特別限定製作的系列。在這個系列出現的打磨技術難度極高,故此不適合大量生產。設計師遠藤健史老師將平日蘊藏腦海中的奇特意念經此系列展現出來,是Claustrum最具實驗性的作品系列。特別聯名版本「FLAP MT」貫徹「ARTEFACT」系列的傳統,只作一次生產,完賣後就只會記入Claustrum與Modern Times的發展歷史中,不會再度生產,故此有興趣的客人請勿錯過。
To celebrate the 5th anniversary, Modern Times has partnered with Mr. Endo to hold the exhibition "Faster Than Light" to showcase the undisclosed Claustrum “confidential information” — including production tools, old models, as well as experimental products that have not been officially put into production. Being in the exhibition will make one feel like visiting the Claustrum Ginza workshop — which is not open to the public.
Another focus of the exhibition was the "ARTEFACT" version of the iPhone Holder "FLAP MT" — which is exclusively produced by Claustrum for Modern Times. Every single one is hand-polished by Mr. Endo, this special "FLAP MT" version will only produce once. Definitely not to be missed by Claustrum’s fans.
CLAUSTRUM・HANDMADE IN JAPAN www.moderntimes.hk/claustrum
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【Date 展期】
30 Mar 2019 (星期六 Sat) - 7 Apr 2019 (星期日 Sun)
(公眾假期除外 Except Public Holiday)
【Time 時間】 星期一至五 Mon to Fri 1 - 7pm 星期六及日 Sat & Sun 1 - 6pm
【Venue 地點】 MODERN TIMES 上環店 STANDARD LIFE STORE www.moderntimes.hk
香港上環德輔道中306號余氏大廈3/F,電梯按3字 (近西港城電車站) 3/F, Yue's House, 306 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
【Enquiries 查詢】 【Tel. / WhatsApp】+852 5401 3806 【Email】info@moderntimes.hk 【WeChat / Line / Weibo】moderntimeshk