為期三天 MODERN TIMES × ARBITRO VINTAGE WATCH POP UP EVENT完滿結束。這次對Modern Times來說是嶄新的經驗,我們與Arbitro ( @la_arbitro )希望在這裡感激每一位來店客人,亦請期待我們下一次的特別活動。 . Today is final day of MODERN TIMES × ARBITRO VINTAGE WATCH POP UP EVENT. Modern Times and Arbitro (@la_arbitro ) would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support. We look forward to seeing you in the next event. . 【MODERN TIMES × ARBITRO VINTAGE WATCH POP UP EVENT】 . Modern Times於2019年首個特別活動:我們與日本有名古董錶店Arbitro合辦的Vintage Watch Pop-up,將於1月18日起一連三日於Modern Times上環店舉行。到時Arbitro兩位店主同時亦是古董腕錶專家,將帶來他們為香港客人嚴選的名作。 . 腕錶就是手造工藝品,Arbitro兩位店主遊走世界各地,搜尋高質腕錶跟客人分享,理念跟Modern Times嚴選高質生活配件如出一轍,希望今次我們的合作會為大家帶來新的體驗。 . 18 Jan 2019 Fri 1-7PM 19 Jan 2019 Sat 1-6PM 20 Jan 2019 Sun 1-6PM . 香港上環德輔道中306號余氏大廈3/F,電梯按3字 3/F, Yue's House, 306 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong ・ 【Enquiries 查詢】 【Tel. / WhatsApp】+852 5401 3806 【Email】info@moderntimes.hk 【WeChat / Line / Weibo】moderntimeshk
*上環店接受現金與Payme付款,Visa或Master Card需另加3%手續費Accept cash & Payme, 3% handling charge for all in store credit cards payment ________________________________ . #ModernTimesHK #ModernTimesTokyo #moderntimesselects . #📸 (Photo 1-3) : @la_arbitro ・・・ We will open pop up shop in Hong Kong for 3 days. . Modern Times is a Standard Life Store located in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. . Founded in 2013, Modern Times gained their high reputation by selecting high standard brand from all over the world. Most of the products are hi-end handmade brand. . The selection is unique with superb quality which cannot be found from other place. . #moderntimes #moderntimeshk #hongkong #hk #hkvintagewatch #vintagewatchhk#seikomania #vintageseiko #vintagecitizen #vintagewatch #antiquewatch #japanmade#madeinjapan #arbitro #yoyogiuehara #香港 #香港島 #イベント #ポップアップ #時計 #ヴィンテージ #ヴィンテージ時計 #ヴィンテージウォッチ #ヴィンテージスタイル #アンティーク #アンティーク時計 #アンティークウォッチ