【"MT15" 15% OFF IN STOCK ITEM & SPECIAL GIFT 現貨八五折及九周年特別禮遇・LAST MINUTE GIFT 2022 聖誕禮物指南:終極篇】

踏入十二月,又是節日禮贈月份。為答謝大家一直以來支持,Modern Times九周年繼續有不同的特別活動及記念商品推出。客人購物不限金額,即可享現貨八五折,上環店及網店(輸入優惠碼”MT15”)同步進行,Fb、IG、WhatsApp訂購亦一樣適用;同時只要購物滿港幣$2,000, 即可獲贈Modern Times x Decka Quality Socks Classic Socks一對 (價值港幣$280)。12月限定,不要錯過。
Count down to X’mas! Thank you for your continued support! To celebrate the ninth anniversary of Modern Times, we will launch a series of special offers starting from today. Simply shop and get 15% off of all in stock items. Applied to Sheung Wan Store and online (Enter code “MT15” when check out). Fb / IG / WhatsApp orders are also welcomed. Shop HKD$2,000 and receive a pair of Modern Times x Decka Quality Socks Classic Socks (Valued at HKD$280). December only, don’t miss it!
【SHOP GIFT・選購聖誕禮物】 www.moderntimes.hk/christmas-gift-guide-2022