Popeye Magazine Vol. 888
2021 April Issue
“それ、どこの服? 知ってるつもりで、よくわかっていなかったブランドのこと"
「這是哪裡的衣服?」每當看到喜歡的衣服,這句話就會自動冒出來。是某某品牌的設計,在哪裡哪裡買的單品,有時候雖然得到了答案,但不見得就有概念。儘管現在這個年代,人們挑衣服大多憑直覺,而非根據品牌,可是如果能更了解一些,也會獲得更多樂趣。本號送上衣服大特集,為大家特寫看似基本,其實一點也不普通的魅力單品,也解說今年春夏伸展台的流行情報,推薦自由自在的運動服、帥氣度加倍的軍裝單品… 等等,全面介紹能勾起好奇心的優質設計和相關情報,當然也標註了每件衣服的品牌,下次被問到的時候,就可以輕鬆回答囉。
"What Brands are You Wearing?"
When we see someone wearing nice clothes, we can’t help asking them, “What brands are you wearing?” The answers may be like “It’s actually from a Japanese brand, do you know? It's just started”. We may not know much about these brands yet, but consequently, we may be wanting this up and coming label in the near future. Time flies and we no longer buy things simply because of the brand name, but now we wonder why we are still fascinated by the label that is physically attached to the clothing. That’s because they tell us a lot: such as the history and philosophy of the designers. In this issue, we’ve inserted background information of each of the brands we introduced, so you will have answers to the question: “What brands are you wearing?”
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Popeye Vol. 888
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