Popeye Magazine Vol. 887
2021 March Issue
"シティボーイの部屋作り" (為城市男孩騰出空間)
比起出門更喜歡待在家,就算待在家裡的時間很長卻也從來沒有想過要改變房間佈置,直到去年疫情爆發後,因為無法隨意外出所以只能待在家裡,但這樣也讓我們有更多的時間可以好好重新檢視自己的房間。雜亂的工作空間、佈滿灰塵的書架… 或許有點髒亂但還是很舒適,如果能夠讓房間充滿自己喜歡的事物,應該會更喜歡待在家裡。去年年初疫情爆發後,為了防止疫情擴散,各國紛紛制定禁止外出、限制集會… 等管制措施,隨著待在家裡的時間變長,也讓許多人開始想要將房間打造成屬於自己的小小天地。從日本的東京、美國的紐約到瑞典的斯德哥爾摩… 本期特別為大家收錄世界各國8個都市的型男房間佈置實例,希望大家能夠從中找到靈感。
"City Boys’ Habitats"
Despite the fact that, like many others, we’ve been spending more time at home, we have realized that we don’t really care about where we live. Worn out (in a bad sense) furniture, no functionally organized work space, and our bookshelves are covered with piles of dust. However, we kind of like as they were, but we also think it wouldn’t be that difficult to make our home more comfortable. The most important thing is to be surrounded by the things that make us happy and upbeat, so we shouldn’t hesitate to be crazy and unconventional. This edition is full of original, unique, and sometimes quirky homes from around the world. Enjoy staying home!
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Popeye Vol. 887
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