Popeye Magazine Vol. 869
2019 Sept Issue
“キャンプがしたい!” (露營時間)
我會說露營最有趣的部分是事前工夫:當準備露營裝備和隨身攜帶物品時,時間過得飛快,也決定了我們將能烹調哪些東西,甚至購買食材都是令人興奮的。鬱悶的雨季終於過去了,盛夏的周末卻可能會遇到交通堵塞,所以安排在秋天露營也不錯。本期適用於露營者及所有具有冒險精神的人 — 立即起行吧!
“Time For Camping!”
I would probably say the most fun part of camping is the preparation. Time flies as we prepare the camping gear and things we’ll bring with us; also deciding what exciting dishes we’ll be able to cook, and even shopping for the food can be thrilling. The depressing rainy season is finally over. You may be caught in a traffic jam on weekends in the mid-summer, so it would be good to schedule it in autumn instead. This issue is for both campers and those with an adventurous spirit. Let’s make it happen!
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Popeye Vol. 869
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