Brutus 特別編集 増補改訂版 Special
2019 Apr
“ソウル 見る、買う、食べる、101のこと” (首爾看、買、吃101件事)
韓國離日本不遠,韓流風潮曾經席捲日本;韓流之後,首爾仍在持續不斷進化中。從益善洞、延禧洞到文來洞… 在以往不曾聽過的地區裡,有許多年輕老闆開設了充滿個性的店家。同時,不管是傳統韓國料理,還是路邊攤的辣炒年糕也不斷創新,觀光、逛街以及美食,滿足旅客各種需求的首爾,本冊將要透過101個主題來介紹它最新的吃喝玩樂情報。
“101 Things to do In Seoul”
Brutus' annual "See, Buy, Eat, 101 Things" series: the latest issue is about Seoul. In Korean dramas, there are often scenes of Korean stars eating fried chicken and drinking beer. Koreans who are very popular with fried chicken and beer call this combination “Chicken Beer", and this issue will introduce you to the local popular fried chicken shops. In addition, there are many old folk houses in Yeonhui-dong. In recent years, many shops have been added to the renovated old houses. Among them, the most eye-catching is the collection of bookstores, tea houses, coffee shops and household grocery stores.
South Korea is not far from Japan — Korean wave (Hallyu) once blew in Japan; and Seoul after the Hallyu are still continuing to evolve. From Ikseon-dong Hanok Village, Yeonhui-dong to Mullae-dong... In areas that have never been heard before, many young owners opened their unique shops there. At the same time, whether it is traditional Korean cuisine or the spicy fried rice cakes at the roadside stalls, there are continuous innovations. Sightseeing, shopping and eating food, Seoul meets the various needs of tourists. This issue will introduce the latest food, drink and fun in Seoul through 101 themes.
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Brutus Seoul City Guide
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