2nd Vol. 191
2023 Feb Issue
"服=道具" (衣服=工具)
牛仔和羽絨最是明顯 — 服裝最初只是作為一種工具而創造。以極簡基本設計和各種機能組合而成的「道具服」,以其簡潔特點很容易與現代時尚配搭,是不會被潮流左右的終生單品。今期專題「衣服=工具」,我們一共請來五十位時尚達人,為我們展示他們的「道具服」— 盡情享受穿到破爛的美麗和背後的故事吧。此外,還有在令和時代悄然引起人們注目的「我們的平成劇」,以及介紹著名品牌量身定制服務的「名門訂製是歷史一部分」特集。2月號內容豐富,務必入手。
“Clothes = Tools”
This is evident in denim and down jackets, but clothing was originally created as a tool. “Workwear”, which has a minimal basic design and is packed with functions for each purpose, is easy to match with modern fashion due to its simplicity, and it is also a lifelong item that will not be influenced by trends. In the first special feature "Clothes = Tools", we asked a total of 50 fashion experts to show us their “Workwear". Enjoy the beautiful appearance that has been used until it is worn out and the story behind it. In addition, the special feature "Our Heisei Drama", which is actually quietly attracting attention in the current Reiwa era, and the "Prestigious Bespoke Is Historical Piece" that focuses on the bespoke services provided by renowned brands. The February issue is full of variety, so be sure to check it out.
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2nd Vol. 191
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